eMoney is a technology solution that GWS&A offers free of charge to all of our clients. Simply put, eMoney is an account aggregation tool where you can see your investment accounts, insurance policies, bank accounts, real estate holdings, and other assets all in one space. By adding in your accounts from various institutions, it can also create a nice summary of your cash flow that is helpful when identifying retirement income needs.
At GWS&A, we feel that spending valuable review time where advisors are asking you how much you have in checking and savings and what debt looks like, is a thing of the past. We feel that time with advisors should be focused on meaningful conversations, planning opportunities, etc.
GWS&A wants our clients to focus on net worth over time. Sometimes the best way to advance your financial plan is through debt reduction whereas other times, it makes sense to advance it through savings in the future, In other cases, a combination thereof is the solution. Thus, having a tool that can track exact net worth over time showcasing your advancements is helpful for tracking. “I think goals should never be easy, they should force you to work, even if they are uncomfortable at the time.” - Michael Phelps.
Once our clients have fully built out all of their connections in eMoney, eMoney offers a variety of interactive workshops. For example, a retirement workshop where a client can model how much money they will have at various retirement ages. If they were to save more money per month, what impact that would have on future cash flow in retirement. Changing inflationary rate assumptions to see how that might hinder their retirement plan, etc. It also has a college education and life insurance workshop as well. These tools allow our clients to “play” with the modeling software to run various what-if scenarios.
eMoney also integrates with other platforms that GWS&A uses - MoneyGuide Pro Elite, BlackDiamond Performance Reporting, etc.